The National Whig

Serving to make the United States better by arguing for Liberty and its best ingredient Limited Government.

Location: Any Towne, Any State, United States

Editor and Publisher of The National Whig.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Talk Radio and Phony Soldiers

The American Left is at it again. This time they are using a "phony" controversy to attack talk radio generally and Rush Limbaugh specifically. It used to be comical to see the Left try everything short of murder to beat talk radio, but now it is infuriating. It's infuriating because, unlike before, the Left has the political power now to act on some of their threats, like shutting down talk radio. You see, they cannot compete within the sphere of talk radio, so they have to find all sorts of things to convince the American People that it needs to be shut down, even if some of those things are false accusations against people like Limbaugh. The most recent dust up is over the use of the term "phony soldiers" by Limbaugh in regards to a person who, after 44 days of bootcamp, washed out of the Army and then claimed to be a member of the Army Rangers sent to Iraq and Afghanistan where he committed and wittnessed brutal treatment of the people there. The Left and their willing microphones in the news media are claiming that Rush is calling soldiers who are against the war in Iraq "phony soldiers." Here is the actual event that caused the ruckus.

So, here you have the origin of this "phony" story fanned by the Left. Limbaugh was talking about a gentleman named Jesse McBeth and not about soldiers who are against the war in Iraq. Furthermore, it should be noted that there are hundreds of "Jesses" out there in the "phony military," anti-war movement.

The real story is not the use of the term "phony soldiers" by Limbaugh, but the blatent attack on free speech by the American Left. For a group of people who are very quick to claim that President Bush has destroyed the First Amendment, they sure are quick to turn a blind eye to Democrats in Congress that want to pass real legislation that does exactly that. First it was the Fairness Doctrine and the claim that there just is not enough "diversity" on the radio airwaves. Now it's the ceasation of "hate" speech as demonstrated by Rush Limbaugh and his "phony soldiers" comment.

First of all, why don't all you Leftists out there who hate Limbaugh and talk radio in general try listening to his show before you make stupid accusations that can be easily refuted. Second of all, knowing that you are not going to listen to his show, why don't you just ignore it. I mean how many people on the Right are looking to shut down the Daily Kos because of the vitriol that is spewed by that bunch, and Bill O'Reiley is not enough for me because he is not in a political office? No, I want a name of a person in office seeking to actually go out and shut down some one on the Left. Wait a minute, you can't because there isn't.


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